Message to Our Community Regarding COVID-19
The Elmina B. Sewall Foundation (EBSF) is committed to the safety, health and wellbeing of our Maine communities and as we monitor the evolution of the COVID 19 pandemic, we are remaining flexible and making decisions based on the best information available to us.
With the first few cases of COVID 19 in Maine, our communities are responding to flatten the curve and mitigate the impact of the virus. Social distancing is a key strategy in responding to COVID 19, prompting many organizations and entities to close, cancel public events and make remote work arrangements for staff.
Sewall Foundation Operations
Following Governor Mills’ announcement of a state of emergency in Maine and in line with public health guidance, and effective immediately, EBSF will continue to work while:
1. Closing the office and allowing all staff to work remotely
2. Cancelling all work-related travel until further notice
3. Asking staff not to attend any public events until further notice
4. Shifting all meetings to phone calls or video conference at least through March
5. Advising staff to limit all non-essential personal travel outside of Maine
6. Asking any staff who come into contact with a person with confirmed COVID 19 or travel to known hot-spot to self-quarantine for 14 days
7. Advising staff to stay home
Since we started monitoring the situation with COVID 19, EBSF instituted commonsense practices:
Staff asked not to come into work if they have any cold or flu-like symptoms
Posting hygiene practices to prevent and decrease contagion:
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
Cover coughs with elbow or tissues
Avoid touching nose, eyes and mouth
Disinfect frequently touched/used areas and objects
Avoid contact with persons who are sick
Suspending physical contact greetings like handshakes and hugs
Shifting our Board committee meetings to video and telephone
We will adapt and update our response as the situation evolves and our understanding increases. During this time, EBSF staff can be reached via email. If you have a general question for us, you can reach us at
Please see the bottom of this message for links to relevant resources on COVID 19.
We are All In This Together
We are working to expedite grants payments for our Healthy People Healthy Places grant round. We continue to work, even when not in the office, and to hold meetings and coordinate with partners through email, telephone and video options.
EBSF is and will remain in communication with our philanthropic partners to assess how we can support our communities throughout Maine in this challenging time. We will be particularly alert to ways to support those most vulnerable during this time of uncertainty. We know that some populations are at particular risk for serious complications from the virus; not all workers can work remotely; not all workers have paid leave; not all families have access to alternative childcare arrangements; not all families or individuals have the ability to prepare by stocking up on food, medicine and other necessities. We are particularly aware and concerned about:
Health care access and coverage
Lost wages for workers
Lack of paid sick and family leave
Lack of access to food, medicine and other basic needs
Incarcerated populations
Racism, xenophobia and stigma
Psychological and emotional impact of isolation and fear
Misinformation and lack of information
This new virus will have health, economic and psychological impact on Maine communities. How we respond to it will determine the long-term consequences. We believe this is a time for all of us to practice solidarity and empathy and take care of each other as best we can. We are all in this together.
Information about COVID 19
1. Maine CDC Updates on COVID 19
2. American Public Health Association resources, various languages, some videos
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on COVID 19
4. Maine Association of NonProfits blog and resources on COVID 19
5. Flattening the curve
6. Guidance for School Settings
7. Resources for Community and Faith-based Leaders
8. The Psychological Impact of Quarantine and How to Reduce It: a Rapid Review of the Evidence
9. Guidance for Mass Gatherings/Events, Homeless Shelters, Homes, Schools, Business, other Settings
10. If you are a household member of someone who is in isolation/quarantine with COVID-19 or is being tested for it, here are steps you can follow
11. Harm reduction for safer drug use and COVID 19
12. Comcast reduced cost internet COVID 19
13. Rural Americans and COVID 19
14. APABA-PA Statement Regarding Anti-Asian Racism Associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
15. COVID 19 and Pets
Contact 211 Maine for answers to frequently asked questions on COVID-19:
· Dial 211 (or 1-866-811-5695)
· Text your ZIP code to 898-211
211 is TTY and Video Relay accessible if calling from Maine